"Two are better than one...for they have good reward for their labor."
Jesus sent his disciples two by two. He also chose three to be his
closest companions and to be with him in special times of prayer.
Should we do less?
Prayer in harmony with others is refered to in Scripture as
"symphonizing" in prayer according to Matthew 18:18. "If any two of
you on earth agree (symphonize, act in harmony and as a symphony) you
shall ask and it shall be done of my Father in heaven."
Conversational Prayer is the method we use for our small group prayer
teams. This keeps everyone involved with no prayer showmanship. Please
be sensitive to others in the prayer group who may not be as
experienced a prayer warrior as you. Follow these guidelines:
- Ask the Lord for discernment on how to and what to pray for.
- Prepare your heart for intercession using each of the 6 preparatory steps.
- Assign someone to lead out on each of the steps others will join in on it.
- Be careful to spend about 3 minutes on each initial step, more as necessary.
Be still Confess sin
Worship Put on armor of God
Give thanks Cast your cares
1. Use short focused prayers (about 1,2,3 minutes will suffice)
2. Avoid monopolizing prayer time with long multi-requested intercession.
2. Pray over one topic at a time...keep focused on one thing.
3. Pray over those requests for which the Lord burdens you.
4. Pray together over an item until you feel a release in you spirit.
5. Agree together in prayer saying "Amen" "Yes, Lord", "Make it so"
6. Vary your positions...stand, sit, kneel, lay, walk, bow, lift hands.