A Prayer Journey is a trip to the land and people known as an
Unreached People Group. In most cases the whole land is in darkness
and under the dominion of the prince of darkness. Satan's hold over
the Unreached People of the world is seen in the blindness of false
religions and adherance to idolatry and worship of evil spirits. A
missionary working in such a context is bound to be under constant
attack of the enemy. His family, his health, his property, and his
emotions will be assaulted daily in an attempt to discourage and
dishearten his endeavors. The darkness tries to extinguish the light.
A prayer journey is a team of trained and experienced Spirit filled
Christians entering the land like the Israelites who entered into
Canaan Land with the twelve spies leading the way. Before it was
conquered the land was full of darkness and under the power of the
enemy. Satanic presence was everywhere. Idols abounded. Sin was
rampant. Hatred, war, immorality, and witcraft filled the land. Only
Caleb and Joshua came back with faith seeing what God could do. Others
said, no we cannot take it there are giants in the land. But Caleb
and Joshua saw the Lord.
Later failures for Israel would be the result of not driving out the
enemies of the land. Prayer journeys are bold attacks on the enemy
held ground. We enter into his territory in Jesus name and claim it
for the King of Kings. The enemy must be driven from the land. That
can not be done by sword and sheild but by the mighty hand of God
pulling down strongholds. Aaron and Hur assisted the people in the
battle, not by fighting hand to hand but by standing together in
intercessory prayer. Moses hands became heavy the battle went against
the people of God. But as Aaron and Hur came along side they held up
Moses arms in prayer. Prayer Journies are the Aarons and the Hurs as
intercessory partners in the eternal battle for men's souls. "for we
wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, and
powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in heavenly places."
Prayer journeys are journeys into the promised land with faith and
intercession to spy out the land with faith's eyes, and see what God's
plans are for the people. We know God wants every nation to worship
Him. He wants his word to spread from sea to sea, and the glory of the
Lord to fill the earth. He sent his Son to seek and to save that which
was lost. He came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.
So too, He is not willing that any should perish in the lands where He
sends us. He longs to bless them. Prayer journeys begin that blessing
of the Lord. The Son has come to set the prisoner free. Prayer
journeys announce to the kingdom of darkness that the Light of the
World is come.
A prayer journey is a time to bathe the land in intercessory prayer. A
time to see our "Jerusalem" and weep over her as Jesus wept over his
Jerusalem. It is a time to see the people as sheep without a shepherd,
to hear their cry, to see their bondage, to feel their pain, to reach
out and touch them in Jesus name. Jesus said "Suffer the little ones
to come unto me an forbid them not for such is the kingdom of heaven.
Then he laid his hands on them and blessed them." So we too as the
eyes, hands, feet and heart of Jesus Christ go to "the other lost
sheep which are not of this fold, THEM ALSO I MUST BRING."
Prayer journeys are tearful journeys. Bob Pierce said it well. "Let
my heart be broken for the things that break the heart of God." The
psalms promise, "He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed
shall doubtless come again, with rejoicing, bearing his sheaves with
him." Prayer journeys are an opportunity for us to be the David
Breinards for the Unreached People God has laid on our hearts. We
love them because he first loved us.
What Will A Prayer Journey Do?
A prayer journey properly conducted with reverance and godly fear will
break the power of Satan's hold over a people. It will bind the
strong man. It will breach his armor It will loosen his grip on the
people, and begin to spoil his goods.
A prayer journey will surround our missionary with Psalm 91 boldness
to enter in and conquer. It will move the hand of God in sweeping
moving of His Holy Spirit to convict of sin, and righteousness, and of
That is not to say that a two week tour by a group of praying men and
women will bring down the walls of Jericoh. Remember even Jericoh
necessitated a seven day prayer journey, then seven times around the
city before the mighty day of the Lord. So too we need patience and
persistance. It is presumptious to think that without intense,
united, Spirit led prayer we can do anything against the enemy. What
Satan has held in bondage for millenia will not be loosed without a
fight. It is Spiritual warfare, not just one battle.
A prayer journey into the land and lives of a beloved Unreached People
group can ignite a spark of prevailing intercessory prayer by the
Church to God that will triumph against the enemy. The prayer team
goes in like Joshua and Caleb then returns with a report of what God
can do, what giants and cities need to be assailed, then like Aaron
and Hurr, they together with the churches back home continue lifting
our missionary's hands and prayers to God that they faint not, neither
grow weary in well doing. Prayer journeys are assaults on the kingdom
of darkness, but the church's prayers lay seige until the battle is
Who Should Go On A Prayer Journey?
Our first impression would be only great men of God and spiritual
giants go against the giants int he land. But God sent inexperienced
David to fight a massive giant when the best of warriors could not and
would not. Let us not dispise the day of small things.
Who should go? Whomever the Lord should send. If the Lord puts a
people burden on your heart and God offers the opportunity saying,
"Whom shall I send and who will go for us." Be like Isaiah and say,
"Here am I Lord send me!"
God is looking for willing warriors, not cocky saints. The Lord of the
Harvest Himself will raise up an army of burdened men and women who
like Jeremiah have "a fire shut up in their bones," and who weary of
surpressing from it. We need some fire in our bones.
Intercessory prayer experience is necessary however. If you do not
practice intercessory warfare praying here in your own land among your
own people and in your own community, how do you expect to be a
warrior in a harder land. "If you have run with the footmen, and they
have wearied yo, then how can you contend with horses?" (Jeremiah
12:5) Only a fool starts to run a marathon who has not even run a
mile. God has a school of prayer. It is a school of private
discipline, and corporate exercise. If you think you want to go on a
prayer journey start now. Your own church building and congregation
is often a battle ground of the enemy's work. After warring and
winning prayer battles in the house of God then go to your own
community. Pick the worst part of town. It too is a unreached land
with unreached people. It too is a fortress of sin, a stronghold of
the enemy. Battle locally before taking on the world. You may find
this stuff is too much for you. It is not a game. It is war and in
war people get shot at, wounded, and even die. Are you ready to die
to self, die to sin, die to pleasures to reach the man across the
street? If no you are not ready to take on the spiritually bound man
across the globe.
Jesus taught his disciples to pray. So too prayer warfare must be
learned. May I suggest that you attend a prayer summit in your local
area. You will find that there you will hone the edge of your
spiritual sword. You will experience new techniques of prayer you
probably never saw at prayer meeting. You do go to prayer meeting
don't you? Go to prayer meeting for many can be the most boring event
of the week. If so, you have not yet learned to prayer intercessory
and warfare praying. May I suggest going to a Youth With A Mission
(YWAM) prayer meeting? That is where I was first introduced to real
deliberate intercessory prayer. Intercessory prayer is exciting
because you are in tune to the Lord, not to a list of pre-programmed
requests. It is wonderful to be led of the Holy Spirit as you pray and
end up weeping and crying out to God for one or some area of the world
you never would have thought of on your own.
If you feel your prayer meeting is dead then may I suggest you do two
things. 1) Find a friend with the same prayer interest and burden and
start studying prayer. Wesley Duewel's, "Touch the World Through
Prayer" is a fantastic help in leading you into in-depth prayer
adventures, and short personal prayer journeys. You will be surprised
how many people are really wanting to have fired up prayer meetings.
2) Attend a prayer seminar such as those the Office of Unreached
Peoples will be conducting regionally. We will be teaching
intercessory prayer principles and methods and practicing the same. It
is a wonderful way to enter into Spirit led praying. Then take it
home to your church. If you pastor doesn't want to get excited about
prayer, they you start a home prayer meeting based on these
principles. God is bigger than your pastor and He wants you to pray.
How Do You Get Into A Prayer Journey?
Prayer journeys are not copyrighted. That's right. You can take one
anytime you feel like it. As already mentioned, Wesley Duewel
suggests personal prayer retreats. That's a prayer journey. You
should read "Prayerwalking - Praying On-Site With Insight" by Steve
Hawthorne and Graham Kendrick. It will shake up your prayer life. If
you've got any spark of fire in your bones it will excite you for
getting into the real world with your prayer life.
For overseas Prayer Journeys you must make application.
A prayer journey adventure requires at
least a year of disciplined preparation, you'll need to set aside some
money for travel, food and lodging, and get those legs in shape...but
mainly the knees. It can be done alone, with a friend, or with an organized
group. Whatever you do let it be an outgrowth of the Spirit of the Lord leading
you, not your own yearning for a foreign adventure.