A Guide To Intercessory Prayer
by Rev. Richard W. LaFountain

Step Six: Cast Your Care Upon Him

Ps. 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord...He shall sustain you.
Phil. 4:6 In everything...let your requests be made known unto God.
I Pet.5:7 Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
Job 1:5 Job rose up early in the morning and offered burnt offerings for all of them.

Unpacked Baggage
We cannot properly intercede for others until we have cleared away the baggage of personal concerns, needs, and cares. We must find a resting place where we can lay down our burdens, in order to bear other’s burdens in prayer. Hearts that are "overloaded" with care will be distracted in prayer and made ineffective in their intercession.

In Luke 21:34, Jesus warned his disciples to beware of the danger of three distracting pitfalls:

  1. Over-abundance (surfeiting, over-spending, over-charging, too many possessions)
  2. Over-indulgence (drunkenness, lover of pleasures, over-eating, over-playing)
  3. Over-load (cares, burdens, worries, fears of this life)

Take Your Burden To The Lord
The most deceptive and innocent looking is the "overload...with cares of this life." We cannot escape the cares of normal living, but we can UNLOAD the OVERLOAD. Jesus concludes the issue in verse 36 by saying, "Therefore watch and pray always..."

Leave It There!
The solution to overloaded cares is to pray. That means to bring those excess burdens, cares, concerns, problems, worries, fears, anxieties, and troubles TO THE LORD and leave them there! Too often we take these concerns to the Lord, and walk away just as burdened as before we prayed. There is no "leaving it there."

Cast, Roll, Dump It!
David used an interesting word for "leaving it there." "Cast thy burden on the Lord." Psalm 55:22 The word "CAST" is the key. It literally means... ROLL... DUMP... UNLOAD... as one who is carrying a backpack of heavy equipment allows it to slide from his shoulders to another who is stronger, more able to carry the load. You cannot carry your own burdens and the burdens of others! Burdens are lifted as we roll them onto the Lord

Practical Disciplines Workbook

Pray for yourself                Pray for your family
· Your troubles                 · Each member by name and need
· Your aches & pains            · Salvation of children
· Your faith & faithfulness     · Spouse's needs
· Your courage to witness       · Spiritual growth of each
· Your heart’s secret goals     · Health and safety
· Your needs, provisions        · Protection from evil
· Your finances, funds          · Deliverance from temptation
· Your enemies

Pray for your Future            Pray for your faults
· Your plans                    · Your struggles
· Your goals                    · Your worries
· Your ministries               · Your temptations
· Your vision                   · Your wants & wishes
                                · Your heartaches
                                · Your failures

Exercise (10 minutes max)
Confession is already past but "to one another" is not. It is also time to "bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." No one can help you to bear a burden if they do not know what it is. Share your key burdens, worries and fears with your prayer partners as you are able.

Discipline Yourself
There will be no time after this point in your intercession to go back to self petitions. This is the time to lay them fully before God so as to NOT take them up again.

Dumping on God is one thing. It is quite another to dump in faith knowing that you are doing it at his invitation because "HE CARES FOR YOU." So thank him for hearing, being touched with the feeling of your infirmities."

Sing Songs:
Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary / Jesus Knows Just What I Need / No One Understands Like Jesus / What a Friend We Have in Jesus / Take Your Burden to the Lord and Leave It There / I Cast All My Cares Upon You.

Cast your burden on the Lord...He shall sustain you. – Ps. 55:22
Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. – I Pet.5:7